73 Blessings
- People who give so freely--not just of material possessions, thought that's nice too, but of time, kindness, prayer, love and hope
- Sunshine
- Salvation
- Water recreation
- Friends who are there for a lifetime
- Fun vocab words
- Fellow photographers who are willing to share and uplift and be amazing
- New friends
- A job that teaches me more about what I love
- A car that gets me everywhere I want to go--in style, with my snurf muhnurf
- The Brits
- Jason Reeves's "Reaching"
- Food of a thousand varieties... whenever I want to eat it
- Piles of laundry, because they equal piles of clothes
- IMDB, dictionary.com, and Wikipedia, for ever-satisfying my curiosity
- External hard drives
- Sea World
- Friends who will go to Sea World with me
- A church family that envelopes--literally just smothers--me with love
- Photography and creativity
- Verizon
- Not being trapped in the corporate world
- God's faithful promises
- Friends who move closer
- Friends who are far away in different states or countries but still amazing and wonderful and lovely and missed
- Friends who have been here all along
- Friends who are willing to overlook hurts and just be friends
- Naps
- Puppies and puppy kisses
- New babies!!
- The Bread Cave
- Culture, of my own brand, but there nonetheless
- Books
- Wedding magazines, and people who are willing to speak wedding to me
- Family, even though they're all delusional iPhone lovers...
- Early exposure to Truth
- 60 mm 2.8 macro lens
- The Office
- Encouragements
- Dreams of the fantastical variety
- God's clear intervention in my life
- Full use of my limbs and ability to exercise
- Post-It notes of all shapes, sizes and colours
- Google Analytics
- Blackberry Storm
- Facebook being down for maintenance
- Julian, my lefty guitar
- ACDSee Pro
- Friends who know things like how and where to buy power cords when your Dell stops charging out of the blue...
- Two Dell laptops and one Dell desktop, so that I know I really don't want a Dell next
- Unexpected kindness
- Holding it together
- Southern California weather--I hear it's below 60 in most states now
- Sandals
- Okay, all shoes. Especially my mustard yellow ones...
- Cousins who double as best friends in their spare time
- Random people who do huge favours for me and my people because my daddy tells them to, and because we're fellow believers
- Baseball
- Wireless Internet
- Blockbuster Online
- Respect
- Not dying from eating almonds
- Having money in the bank
- Summer
- Jason and Colbie's "Lucky"
- Texting
- The colour red
- Loyalty
- Naproxen!!
- Photographs and tangible memories
- Birthdays!
- Game nights
- A boyfriend who is such a huge blessing that he could have a list all his own
I love this list : ) Thanks for the sweet words!
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