28 August 2009

How It Is

It's not that life is empty without her. But it's not full, either. This evening, when I sent Kat a text saying, "Alta?" it didn't matter greatly whether or not she said yes or no. Because I could suggest it without it being outlandish. It wouldn't involve a car ride rivaling our road trip to Canada a few years ago; nor would any planes be transporting me to her, or the other way around.

Three exits away. That's all it is, the space between us.

As we sped down the 55S headed for our "local" coffee digs (only 37.5 miles from my house), my life felt so full. My heart felt full. I was thinking, as we drove into dusk, that it couldn't possibly be any more full. Then I realised... the funny thing about love is that you can't ever have enough.

It's like Mary Poppins's bag. No matter what you've got, you can keep putting it in. Book? Lamp? Desk? Bookshelf? Car? Sure. Oh, and throw a few pairs of shoes in while you're at it. My life is full of amazing people who love me, support me, and tell me I'm funny because they don't mind lying to boost my ego. I recently had breakfast with my (incredibly talented) friend Melissa, who is getting married in less than a year. We talked about how her guest list has grown over the last few months because people have entered her life and become friends.

It's like that. That's exactly how it is. I'm not taking people off my guest list for life to make room for the new kids; I'm adding to it. My life is so full because of friends like Kat, Anne, Lizzie, Stephani and Bambi... but there's so much room left in my Mary Poppins bag, on my guest list for life, and in my heart. I'm adding to it all the time.


Melissa August 28, 2009 at 4:10 AM  

Awe, thanks Megan : )

I'm so glad your life is getting more and more full all the time! I feel the same way.

The little word verification thing that requires me to type in nonsense words in order to leave comments just gave me the 'word' "cloggeth." I think this may need to be added to the Megaron dictionary. I imagine it means something along the lines of somebody being beaten by a pair of clogs.

Who What?

My photo
Megan thinks it's so much fun to write about herself in third person that she can't help but do that now. Megan was born the plump child of two staffing industry sweethearts. At the precocious age of three, she learned to read, bite her younger brother, and help people. She followed her compassion for and love of people into hospice, working as the Volunteer Coordinator, and later Director of Volunteers, for two LA-based hospice agencies. Her experiences there were rather grim, so in December 2009 she made the leap into staffing, satisfying both her compassionate side and her epic need to crush competition. Away from the office (er, laptop, as she is glued to her computer and Droid, and annoys her fiance by working far more than she should), Megan is heavily involved with her church. She loves to write and will someday publish 482 books, loves movies (and alphabetising them), and believes that the Brits spell everything correctly.

About This Blog

Really, this is purely intended as an outlet for me. It's not for you... Okay, maybe it's a little for you. I want to write and take pictures and share both with everyone who wants to read them. So that's all this is. Just my gallery wall, my best-selling novel.

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