Newborn: Makayla Rae
On October 2, little miss Makayla Rae entered the world, along with thousands of others that day. But she was different... This baby was special, because she's the first child of all my high school friends. On top of that, this sweet girl happens to be one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen. Danny and Corrie asked me to take pictures of their little girl, and it was such a special experience for me. Sorry these took so long!

Miss Makayla kept showing off her cute little baby feet... but she wouldn't hold still! It was so hard to get a good picture of them, but alas, I finally prevailed.
Go ahead, try to tell me babies can't laugh.
Danny and Corrie's puppies are still pretty curious about the new addition to their household!
This is my favourite shot of the day... There are tons of cute photos with Danny and her, or Corrie and her, or the whole family... but for some reason, I just love this.
I couldn't leave out this cute shot!
Beautiful! This actually ties for first place...