24 November 2010

CONTEST: Merry Christmas to You!

In celebration of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and an amazing New Year (2011 is going to be GREAT!!), I'm announcing a contest that will run until December 15th!

Here's what you need to do:
  • Post a photo of your super cute kiddo(s) on the Rusty Turtle Photography facebook page with a caption of why you should be chosen!
  • Tell all of your friends, family, neighbours, old college roommates, and fellow grocery shoppers to "Like" or comment on YOUR photo
At 11:59pm PST on December 15th, I will tally up the "likes" and comments. The three photos with the most comments will be winners!

1st Place - Free photo session for up to two children, password protected customer gallery, and a print package of one 16x24, four 8x10's, four 5x7's, ten 4x6's, and three sheets of wallets (twelve total). (Value of $915)

2nd Place - Free photo session for up to two children, password protected customer gallery, one 11x14 print, and three sheets of wallets (twelve total). (Value of $370)

3rd Place - Free print package of one 11x14, two 8x10's, two 5x7's, and one sheet of wallets (four total). (Value of $230)

All other submissions - 10% off the purchase of any complete or custom photo collection (see website @ www.rustyturtlephotography.com or contact me for details). At the completion of the contest, you will be asked to provide a street address or an email address where I can send your special offer.

So, tell all your friends to post their photos and to vote for yours! Ready, set, go!!!

  • Only one submission per family
  • At least one child must be over the age of 2 and under the age of 12
  • One comment/like per person per photo (this means you can vote for yours and a friend's!)
  • You may "like" or comment on your own photo
  • Any additional services, prints, products, or fees will be paid in full
  • All prizes expire March 31st, 2011
  • May not be used with any other offer
  • All travel outside of Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties must be paid for by winners/clients


Who What?

My photo
Megan thinks it's so much fun to write about herself in third person that she can't help but do that now. Megan was born the plump child of two staffing industry sweethearts. At the precocious age of three, she learned to read, bite her younger brother, and help people. She followed her compassion for and love of people into hospice, working as the Volunteer Coordinator, and later Director of Volunteers, for two LA-based hospice agencies. Her experiences there were rather grim, so in December 2009 she made the leap into staffing, satisfying both her compassionate side and her epic need to crush competition. Away from the office (er, laptop, as she is glued to her computer and Droid, and annoys her fiance by working far more than she should), Megan is heavily involved with her church. She loves to write and will someday publish 482 books, loves movies (and alphabetising them), and believes that the Brits spell everything correctly.

About This Blog

Really, this is purely intended as an outlet for me. It's not for you... Okay, maybe it's a little for you. I want to write and take pictures and share both with everyone who wants to read them. So that's all this is. Just my gallery wall, my best-selling novel.

MeganBeth Photography's Fan Box


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