31 December 2008

Portraits: Anne, part I (updated 1/18/2009)

I forgot to watermark these before... so now I've re-uploaded them. Aaaannnd... there are practically twice as many. So Sean's rule of keeping posts to five photos or less is just fine for him, but I take more photos and make my own rules, so I'm saying fifty. Which means that there are somewhere between three and five more posts for Anne.


08 December 2008


Going through images from my busy weekend of shooting (almost eight hundred pictures in two days), I discovered that at least one of my cards has now had 1000 pictures on it. It went from shooting DSC_9999 back to DSC_0001. So I thought I'd celebrate with a post, especially because I have been a total slacker lately and haven't posted anything.

Here's picture #1000, unprocessed, un-anything. Just the image, interesting or not, because it's a milestone.

02 December 2008

Ashes to Ashes...

Today I saw my first major fire damage driving through Carbon Canyon. I'd really like to go back and take pictures in the next couple days, but for now, here are some pictures from the LA Times fire blog.

Who What?

My photo
Megan thinks it's so much fun to write about herself in third person that she can't help but do that now. Megan was born the plump child of two staffing industry sweethearts. At the precocious age of three, she learned to read, bite her younger brother, and help people. She followed her compassion for and love of people into hospice, working as the Volunteer Coordinator, and later Director of Volunteers, for two LA-based hospice agencies. Her experiences there were rather grim, so in December 2009 she made the leap into staffing, satisfying both her compassionate side and her epic need to crush competition. Away from the office (er, laptop, as she is glued to her computer and Droid, and annoys her fiance by working far more than she should), Megan is heavily involved with her church. She loves to write and will someday publish 482 books, loves movies (and alphabetising them), and believes that the Brits spell everything correctly.

About This Blog

Really, this is purely intended as an outlet for me. It's not for you... Okay, maybe it's a little for you. I want to write and take pictures and share both with everyone who wants to read them. So that's all this is. Just my gallery wall, my best-selling novel.

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