30 November 2008

Baby Pine Cones

This picture comes from the trip I took to Morro Bay a few weeks ago. Sunday morning, I traveled up the coast just to see the beautiful scenery (and because down here, fires were raging, and we didn't want to get home too soon). On the way back, we found this awesome little hidden beach (pictures will come soon, I promise, but you try editing 800 pictures around the holidays). There were these little things that looked like dinosaur eggs on the ground and I couldn't figure out what they were until I saw them on a tree and realised that they were baby pinecones! I've been waiting to make this a great "Merry Christmas" photo. Hopefully, it'll put you in the Christmas spirit!

29 November 2008


Last night I went to Mission Inn's Festival of Lights, in which they use an extraordinary amount of electricity and, much to the surprise and delight of Bambi and me, fireworks! It was a lot like being at Disneyland for a spectacular lights and fireworks show--especially with three thousand of Riverside's residents crowded around, necks tilted upward as we all watched the show in silent wonder. If you're suffering from Southern California Christmas Spirit Disorder (by which I mean: if you just can't get in the Christmas mood because you've been wearing shorts and flip-flops during all of November), head down to the Mission Inn in Riverside some evening soon. Enjoy the carolers. Splurge on a ride in a one horse open sleigh (or maybe just carriage) for you and your special someone. Take goofy pictures with all the fun lights behind you.

28 November 2008

Failure and Success

There are times in a photographer's life when he will step back and really look at a picture, coming to the shocking (in both a horrifying and beautiful way) realisation that he will never take a photo as great as that ONE ever again, ever in his life. Usually, he is wrong. Usually, there comes a point when another perfect moment is caputured and he steps back again and has the realisation all over with that new picture. Sometimes, though, the first time that happens is it. Sometimes, he will go his whole life trying to match that, always failing.

For me, I've had a few of those. This photo, below, is the third time in five years of photography that I've felt that sinking feeling, that illness in my stomach, the worry that I'll never take a picture quite as good. That everything will be a hair shy of that great, that they will all fall short. And it's not just illness that I feel. It's exhileration, as well. It's beauty and art and anxiety, and a drive to be better, to do better. It's success and failure at the same time. Success that I've done it: I've caught a moment of time in a still picture, taken a piece of perfection and locked it up forever to be safe and beautiful. It doesn't matter if the world likes it. It doesn't matter if they hate it. It exists for me, and that is sufficient. Oh, but the failure! To be twenty-three years old and have that sinking feeling that I'll never take a better picture. For that to be my peak... It's a terrifying thought that I could fail in such a way. I become filled with a hunger to do better. With a need to find a new way to show the world how I see it. It's a precious, invaluable, incomparable moment. It changes everything.

Outdoor Fun

Thanksgiving Eve was a wonderful, rainy night in Chino Hills, making Thanksgiving day the perfect time to take pictures! I just took these around my backyard while dinner was in the works

Sean is going to be jealous of this picture when he sees it!

More posts to follow! I have a whole lazy day of photo editing planned.

Christmas is Coming!!!

27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Okay, so it's kind of late, but I both was aiming to post something today. So here's your holiday treat:

I hope everyone has a safe and successful Black Friday!

26 November 2008

Senior Retreat: Day 3

Sorry these are posted so late. I've been busy, but here they are. This is mini golf day, so that's pretty much all these are. But there are somewhere around 75 photos... so... Yay!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Who What?

My photo
Megan thinks it's so much fun to write about herself in third person that she can't help but do that now. Megan was born the plump child of two staffing industry sweethearts. At the precocious age of three, she learned to read, bite her younger brother, and help people. She followed her compassion for and love of people into hospice, working as the Volunteer Coordinator, and later Director of Volunteers, for two LA-based hospice agencies. Her experiences there were rather grim, so in December 2009 she made the leap into staffing, satisfying both her compassionate side and her epic need to crush competition. Away from the office (er, laptop, as she is glued to her computer and Droid, and annoys her fiance by working far more than she should), Megan is heavily involved with her church. She loves to write and will someday publish 482 books, loves movies (and alphabetising them), and believes that the Brits spell everything correctly.

About This Blog

Really, this is purely intended as an outlet for me. It's not for you... Okay, maybe it's a little for you. I want to write and take pictures and share both with everyone who wants to read them. So that's all this is. Just my gallery wall, my best-selling novel.

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